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International Sustainable Business

  • Abschluss Bachelor of Arts in Business
  • Dauer 6 Semester
  • Art Vollzeit

This degree programme is the right choice for you if sustainable business is at the centre of your interests and if you want to go beyond earning a conventional business administration degree. Including aspects of sustainability in a curriculum or offering specialisations in sustainability is no longer enough. We need to put sustainability at the centre of business education, and the Bachelor's degree programme International Sustainable Business does just that. We are the first University of Applied Sciences in Austria to embark on this journey and we look forward to you having you with us!

You are tomorrow’s smart, committed business economists and you come to our cozy campus to study current issues that affect global business. During your studies, you will help shape the campus and your curriculum and learn how to tackle business challenges in practice upon completing your degree. There are already numerous businesses interested in graduates from this programme to fill positions in fields like sustainability reporting, sustainable management or in management consultancy for decarbonisation, sustainability management, strategy and reporting, sustainability risks.

You will start the programme with contents such as Sustainability & Business, People & Production Resources, Marketing Basics & Sustainable Marketing, Frameworks for Sustainability and Business Communication – contents that take you deep into the field of sustainable business. The second semester offers classical business administration with focus on Sustainability & Economics, Financial Management & Sustainable Finance, Corporate, Cost & Environmental Accounting, Business Mathematics & Statistics and Analytical and Strategic Thinking & Decision-Making. This will equip you with classical business skills and improve your competitive edge. In the third and fourth semesters you will delve into the international dimension of business management and prepare for the consultancy project ‘Sustainable Business Development’ which follows in the fifth semester. In the sixth semester, you will venture out into a professional field completing an internship and prepare for your Bachelor’s exam.


  • Comprehensive View on Sustainability: more than green practices, visions of a blue economy as guiding principle
  • Sustainability Skill Set: guiding students in their personal development of 21st century skills, with a focus on innovation, transformation, critical and analytical thinking and solution finding.
  • Global Perspective: learning from global best practice examples in an international network that works beyond the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Unique Learning Experiences: collaborative and participative activities on campus, field trips to relevant companies, vivid exchange formats with global experts
  • Early Adopters: you can be among the first graduates of this unique Bachelor’s Degree programme in International Sustainable Business in Austria

Career opportunities

Graduates are sought after in a variety of career fields in national or multinational organisations, in the private, public and non-profit sector:

  • Climate Impact and Sustainability Business Consulting
  • Sustainability Marketing
  • Sustainable Business Development
  • Sustainability Officers
  • Sustainability Reporting and Communication
  • Project and Process Management

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Course of Study

General Business Studies: Business management modules that are largely based on traditional concepts but supplemented by new, sustainability-oriented approaches.

Sustainable Business Studies: Modules in the fields of business management and economics with an international and global focus, which solely or mainly deal with sustainability-oriented concepts

Data Management and Law: Relevant basic knowledge in the fields of natural sciences, IT and data use as well as law

Sustainability Skill Set: Competences particularly relevant in the context of integrating, implementing or developing sustainability-oriented business management. These include a basic understanding of science, thinking and decision-making processes, social behaviour patterns as well as excellent communication skills

Independent Application of Knowledge: Bachelor’s thesis, internship and bachelor’s exam as the part of the study programme that allows independent and autonomous application of the knowledge and competences acquired

Requirements & Fees

  • Requirements: “A“ levels (or equivalent qualifications), university entrance examination or vocational matriculation examination, preparatory course with an accreditation exam.
  • Tuition fee: none

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