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European Studies - Management of EU Projects

  • Abschluss Master of Arts in Business
  • Dauer 4 Semester
  • Art Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium

The Master´s Programme is designed for participants from a wide variety of educational, professional, and national backgrounds and gives you a broad vision of the European Union. It brings forth experts in EU policies and management of EU projects, combining theory, research and practice. The comprehensive and modularised curriculum is tailor-made for those who see their professional future in the EU context. It provides our graduates with the knowledge and skills to pursue an EU career.

This is the right programme if you are interested in EU politics and/or you would like to manage EU projects. Maybe you already work in an international environment, or this should be the next step in your career. The European Union with its many facets interests you and you want to dedicate yourself more intensively to tasks arising from the EU context in the future? English as a language of instruction is an additional asset for you? Then you are the type of candidate we are looking for in the Master’s degree programme European Studies - Management of EU Projects. The programme conveys a generalist understanding of the EU, and additionally, gives you the opportunity to specialise in either EU Policies or EU Project Management.


A special feature of the study programme is its interdisciplinary and international orientation, which opens doors to a wide variety of professional opportunities in an EU context. On the one hand, you will be immersed in political science and legal perspectives of the EU. On the other hand, you will build your skills in EU project management as well as in intercultural management and communication. Depending on your plans for the future, you can specialise in either EU Politics or EU Project Management in the third semester.

Study trips to the EU institutions in Brussels as well as to another EU member state or to a candidate country from Central and Eastern Europe will make the European Union "tangible" for you.

The study programme offers a successful combination of theoretical content and expertise. In the course of the programme you have the opportunity to get certified in International Project Management (Certified Junior Project Manager according to IPMA Level D).

What also makes this Master's programme special is the expert teaching staff: a mixture of practitioners and university professors, most of them with an international background. Some of the lecturers work in EU institutions in Brussels, others work in top positions in the administration or government, such as minister's offices or in regional governments. Partners of well-known law firms, as well as top-notch project managers, university professors of economics, political science and communication are all among the lecturers and provide the theoretical background. Apart from that, we bring current EU topics into the study programme by inviting guest lecturers.

Career Opportunities:

Holders of a Master’s degree in European Studies are prepared to take on leading positions in EU institutions and in a variety of other professional settings.

International Project Management

  • Management of EU projects throughout the entire cycle: from design, planning and submission of funding proposals to managing, evaluation and dissemination of EU projects on a national and EU level

EU Institutions

  • Career in the EU institutions (esp. European Commission, European Parliament, Council)

Public Management

  • At the interface between politics, law, and administration with focus on EU matters

Project Financing

  • Finance structure design and grant processing


  • From political consultancy to consultancy for planning and submitting EU projects

EU Public Affairs

  • In companies, NGOs or agencies

Kostenloses Infomaterial

  • Kostenlos
  • Unverbindlich
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Überblick über den Studiengang

Course of Study

2 study years / 4 semesters

First study year

  • EU Decision Making
  • EU Law and Legal Framework
  • Project Management
  • EU Project Funding
  • Intercultural Team Management
  • EU Policy Domains
  • EU Business Law
  • Advanced Project Management
  • Research Skills
  • International Relations Management

Second study year

  • EU Economics & Sustainable Development
  • Specification: EU Careers OR Applied EU Project Management
  • EU Lobbying
  • Masters Thesis
  • EU Public Management

Requirements & Fees

The master’s programme “European Studies – Management of EU Projects” at the University of Applied Sciences is open to anyone who has completed a course of at least three years at a recognised tertiary institute of higher education in Austria or abroad.

Requirements of the completed course:

  • a specialist education of at least 90 ECTS credit points. The following courses are particularly suitable: economics, social studies, law, humanities and political science.
  • an academic paper of at least 9 ECTS credit points.

Tuition fee: none

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