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Communication Engineering

  • Abschluss Master
  • Dauer 4 Semester
  • Art Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium

Communication Engineering is an exciting and future-oriented field of study that deals with the development and optimization of communication systems and technologies. If you are interested in technology and have a penchant for innovative communication solutions, this degree course is just right for you. Here you will learn how modern communication networks work and how they can be continuously improved to meet the increasing demands of the digital world.

Communication Engineering at FH Kärnten

The Master's degree course in Communication Engineering at FH Kärnten offers you a sound education in the fields of telecommunications and network technology. The course deepens your knowledge of signal processing, network architecture and wireless communication. It is practice-oriented and includes projects in which you can directly apply the knowledge you have acquired. You will be supervised by experienced lecturers and work in modern laboratories to develop innovative solutions for current communication problems.

Career Prospects:

  • Network engineer
  • Telecommunications engineer
  • Research and development engineer
  • IT consultant for communication systems
  • System architect
  • Project manager in the field of communication technology
  • Specialist for wireless communication
  • Hardware developer
  • Consultant in the field of network security

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Course Structure, Modules & Key Features

The Master's degree program in Communication Engineering is taught in English, takes four semesters and comprises a total of 120 ECTS credits. Thanks to the part-time model and blended learning, you remain as flexible as possible and can optimally combine work and study. Courses take place in the evening during the week and during the day on Saturdays, combining classroom teaching with online courses. In terms of content, the course covers all important areas of modern digital communication to enable graduates to find new and groundbreaking applications that change the way we get and stay in touch. In the fourth semester, you will complete your studies with the Master's thesis and Master's examination and receive the degree “Master of Science in Engineering”.

Selected Course Modules

  • Data Privacy and Ethics
  • Digital Communication
  • Mobile Networks
  • Internet of Things
  • Cloud & Edge Computing
  • Information& Probability Theory
  • Academic Skills

Admission Requirements

  • A completed university bachelor's degree in a relevant subject
  • Or an equivalent degree from a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution

Tuition Fees and Financing

The tuition fees for the Communication Engineering course are as follows

  • Tuition fee: 363.36€ per semester
  • plus ÖH contribution: 24,70€ per semester

For more information about the program and the university, we have set up a contact form. Just fill it out and get one step closer to your studies! Free and nonbinding.

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