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Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems

  • Abschluss Master
  • Dauer 4 Semester
  • Art Vollzeit

Electrical engineering plays a central role in modern technology and infrastructure. From energy generation and distribution to automation and mobility, this field offers a wide range of challenges and opportunities. Studying in this field prepares you to develop innovative solutions for energy supply and sustainable mobility. You will learn both the theoretical foundations and practical skills that are in demand in industry and research.

Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems degree program at FH Kärnten

The Master's degree program in Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems at FH Kärnten aims to prepare you for a career in the dynamic and future-oriented electrical engineering and mobility sector. You will deepen your knowledge in areas such as power electronics, energy storage technologies and sustainable transportation systems.

Career Prospects:

  • Development engineer for electromobility
  • Project manager for energy supply projects
  • Specialist for renewable energies
  • Research and development engineer in the automotive industry
  • Consultant for sustainable energy systems
  • Engineer for smart grids and intelligent networks

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Course Structure, Modules & Key Features

The Master's degree program in Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems at the FH Kärnten lasts four semesters and comprises a total of 120 ECTS credits. Courses take place all day from Monday to Friday and sometimes also on Saturdays. These are face-to-face classes with online components. The degree course is an engineering degree course with a focus on research, design and the implementation of modern electrical energy, e-mobility, battery technology and electric drive systems. While modules in the field of design predominate in the first semester, the focus in the following two semesters is more on topics relating to electronic technologies. After four semesters, the degree "Master of Science in Engineering" is awarded upon successful completion of the Master's thesis and Master's examination.

Selected Contents

  • Electrochemistry
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Battery Lab
  • Control Systems Lab
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Power Train and Traction
  • Electrical Drive and Drive Control
  • Automotive Safety

Admission Requirements

  • A completed university bachelor's degree in a relevant subject
  • Or an equivalent degree from a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution

Tuition Fees and Financing

The tuition fees for the Communication Engineering course are as follows

  • Tuition fee: 363.36€ per semester
  • plus ÖH contribution: 24,70€ per semester

For more information about the program and the university, we have set up a contact form. Just fill it out and get one step closer to your studies! Free and nonbinding.

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