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Systems Design

  • Abschluss Master
  • Dauer 4 Semester
  • Art Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium

In a time where the number of electronic devices increaces constantly engineers are faced with demanding and interconncted systems. The Masters‘ programm „Systems Designs“ gives you the knowledge to tackle these challanges and help businesses to nevagate the complexities of emerging technologies.

Systems Design at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) 

This Masters‘ program is specifically designed to focus on the design and optimization of complex systems, considering both technical and organizational aspects. Students gain in-depth knowledge in areas such as system analysis, modeling and simulation, as well as system integration and operation. Special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary collaboration and the application of theoretical concepts in practical projects. The program prepares students for a robust career in engineering.

Career Prospects:

Possible fields of employment:

  • Industrial electronics and automation
  • Communications and computer technology
  • Microelectronics
  • Mechatronics
  • Transport and vehicle technology
  • Aerospace technology
  • Consumer electronics and domestic appliances
  • Machine and plant construction
  • Medical and environmental technology building automation

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Course Structure, Modules & Key Features

The „Systems Design“ program spans four semesters, encompassing a total of 120 ECTS credits. The first part of the study program focuses on general knowledge needed to design systems. From the second semester on you can choose to specialize either in Electronic Systems of Robotic Systems. The forth semester consists of writing the Master thesis. The program is organized in a work-friendly way and takes place in a classroom.

Selected Contents

  • Systems Design Essentials
  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Signal and Data
  • Analysis
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Peripheral Devices and Sensors


Electronic Systems

  • Signal and Data Processing
  • Electrodynamics
  • High Speed Systems Design
  • FPGA Systems Prototyping

Robotic Systems

  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Advanced Robotic Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Robot-based Production Systems

Admission Requirements

In order to be admitted into a master degree program at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences at least one of the following criteria must be fulfilled:

  • completion of a bachelor of arts/science degree that corresponds to the respective master degree program
  • completion of an equivalent degree program at a recognized Austrian or an international post-secondary institution of higher education 

Tuition Fees and Financing

  • Tuition fee: 363.36€ per semester
  • plus ÖH contribution: 24,70€ per semester

For more information about the program and the university, we have set up a contact form. Just fill it out and get one step closer to your studies! Free and nonbinding.

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