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Integrated Systems and Circuits Design

  • Abschluss Master
  • Dauer 4 Semester
  • Art Vollzeit

Integrated Systems and Circuits Design is a specialized field within electrical engineering focused on developing and designing complex integrated circuits and systems. This field combines knowledge from various areas such as microelectronics, digital and analog circuit design, and embedded systems. It is ideal for those who are passionate about creating and optimizing electronic components that form the backbone of modern technology, including computers, smartphones, and other digital devices.

Integrated Systems and Circuits Design Program at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

The Integrated Systems and Circuits Design Master's degree program prepares you for the challenges of this exciting field of work. As a Graduates you will work for integrated circuit manufacturers, fabless foundries, design houses, or suppliers of VLSI component solutions. Research and development in microelectronics is conducted in close cooperation with Austrian and international partners. The Integrated Systems and Circuits Design Master's degree program prepares you for the challenges of this exciting field of work. As a graduate, you will work for integrated circuit manufacturers, fabless foundries, design houses, or suppliers of VLSI component solutions. Research and development in microelectronics is conducted in close cooperation with Austrian and international partners.

Career Prospects:

  • Integrated Circuit (IC) Designer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Research and Development Engineer
  • Application Engineer in Semiconductor Industry
  • Project Manager in Electronics
  • Embedded Systems Designer
  • Analog/Digital Circuit Designer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Technical Consultant

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Course Structure, Modules & Key Features

The Integrated Systems and Circuits Design Master’s program spans over four semesters, during which you will earn a total of 120 ECTS credits. The first two semesters cover fundamental courses. Specialization in either analog or digital integrated circuits and systems occurs in the third semester. Practical skills are emphasized through project modules from the first to the third semester, beginning with designing an integrated circuit in small teams and culminating in the implementation and evaluation of a test chip using advanced test equipment. The final semester is dedicated to your master’s thesis. The thesis is done in cooperation with industry or at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. The degree program concludes with the university title “Master of Science in Engineering”.

Selected Course Modules

  • System Modelling and Verification
  • Design and Implementation of Analog Circuits and Systems
  • Management Skills
  • Radio-Frequency Circuits and Systems
  • Methods in Systems and Circuits Theory

Admission Requirements

  • completion of a bachelor of arts/science degree that corresponds to the respective master degree program
  • or completion of an equivalent degree program at a recognized Austrian or an international post-secondary institution of higher education

Tuition Fees and Financing

The tuition fees for the Integrated Systems and Circuits Design are:

  • Tuition fee: 363.36 euros per semester
  • + ÖH contribution: 24.70 euros per semester

For more information about the program and the university, we have set up a contact form. Just fill it out and get one step closer to your studies! Free and nonbinding.

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